
How Much Does a Trust Cost to Maintain?

February 2, 2025
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8 min read

Protection of assets cannot allow for any doubt. One of the best defenses against making sure assets are protected, untouchable by outside claims, and free from any enforced will other than that of the grantor is a properly created trust.

Maintaining control, reducing exposure, and, when handled properly, guaranteeing legacy depends on a trust for individuals and families with great fortune.

Trusts are not free. They have expenses. Unlike other costs, they are not debatable, however. These are required expenditures in a system designed to protect wealth across borders and generations.

Those who understand the value of effective asset protection know that maintenance costs are a fixed and predictable means to make asset security an enduring reality.

Initial Setup Costs

Setting up a trust means knowing exactly what you want and working with professionals who know precisely how to achieve it. Basic, domestic revocable trusts may start in the low thousands, but those expecting asset protection from a truly secure trust understand this is entry-level.

Revocable Trusts

These can run $1,000 to $2,000. Designed for flexibility, these are not the choice for anyone serious about asset protection. They’re amendable, but protection is weak and, in many cases, nonexistent.

Irrevocable Trusts

$2,000 to $3,000 or more. Irrevocable trusts exist in a different league. Once executed, they cannot be changed, offering a true line of defense against external claims. These trusts meet asset protection and estate planning requirements by effectively moving assets out of the grantor’s estate.

Offshore Trusts

More than $5,000 to $10,000. Offshore trusts are the best option if you really want to protect your wealth. The setting fees are much higher on these than on domestic trusts, but they offer the best protection against both domestic claims and foreign taxation plans.

The level of knowledge here is completely different and these trusts need to be dealt with in an extremely careful way as regards compliance in each of a number of different countries. It really works when a foreign trust requires this level of depth.

Maintenance Costs

Ultimately, it is the ongoing expense of a trust that makes it relevant, compliant, and resilient to whatever challenge it will face. This is different from initial costs; maintenance reflects the adaptive strategies necessary to keep a trust up to standard as regulations change.

What Your Yearly Maintenance Costs Look Like

You can expect these out-of-pocket expenses each year:

Legal Fees

Maintenance means people must provide sharp, frequent, and uncompromising legal insight, continuously. There are checks required with lawyers to keep a trust compliant and legal fees can be as little as $0 up to as much as $5,000 annually depending on the size and scope of the trust.

The people choosing high value trusts with minimal oversight aren’t serious about asset protection. Competent legal advice maintains integrity of trust and ensures it remains in conformity with contemporaneous legislation in different countries.

Trustee Compensation

You know what’s an accident just waiting to happen? A trust devoid of a trained trustee. Good ones are not going to work for free, as trustees are fiduciaries. From $1,000 to $5,000 annually, a reliable expert can run your trust.

Although an individual trustee might be cheap, if you are looking for qualified knowledge you need to go with a professional who is familiar with the subtleties of tax law and asset protection.

Many corporate trustees operate on a percentage basis, ranging from 0.5 percent to 2 percent of the assets – fees that guarantee objectivity and a dedication to duty.

Tax Preparation Fees

Trusts are charged tax so there are regular tax filings. The costs of tax preparation are usually between $500 and $3,000 annually, more or less in line with the breadth of the assets.

These are fees that enable the trust to remain a legally sound entity while still remaining true to its purpose of protecting the trust and the limited beneficiaries from one another. If you have a trust with complex portfolios or international holdings, there will certainly be a lot to monitor when it comes to getting your tax work done.

Investment Management Fees (if applicable)

If there’s an active asset growth requirement within a fund, then professional investment management is not a discussion. Investment fees, which include annual fees generally between 0.5 percent and 1 percent of assets under management, can be higher or lower.

Asset protection should be a function of smart, informed growth, not a fool’s move by choosing low quality investment management. The fact of the matter is that if wealth isn’t managed well, you will never reach its full potential.

Offshore Trusts: Higher Costs, Higher Rewards

Offshore trusts require a different level of commitment. With setup costs starting around $5,000 and reaching as high as $20,000, these trusts bring a tier of asset protection that’s simply unmatched.

Jurisdictional variety in offshore trust laws provides options far beyond what domestic trusts can offer, including protections from claims that domestic courts might try to impose.

The maintenance costs for an offshore trust are equally demanding. With ongoing fees to ensure compliance with international laws, these trusts involve legal, accounting, and, often, trustee services well beyond what most domestic trusts require.

But for the UHNWIs who choose an offshore structure, these expenses are the price of true peace of mind – knowing your assets aren’t accessible to any government or claimant unwilling to fight on foreign soil.

Here’s What Changes Trust Maintenance Costs

Here’s what you need to be aware of:

Scope of Assets

The costs of maintenance for a trust are dependent on the range and nature of the assets held in that trust. As long as the trust contains only basic cash assets it has few needs, but as the real estate, business interest or diverse portfolio of the trust increases, so do the costs.

Management of complex assets is that much more detailed and requires legal oversight and, sometimes, specialized trustees or managers who have themselves engaged with each asset type in order to know the true value. More management cost is obviously unavoidable, however, for anyone who’s really committed to protecting a diversity of wealth.

Distribution Frequency

Trusts structured for frequent distributions add to administrative needs. The more often assets are disbursed, the more intense the tracking, accounting, and compliance requirements.

Keeping distributions to the minimum works well when asset preservation is the goal. However, for people needing frequent payout, expect higher fees. Each disbursement represents a tax event or legal filing potential, and that’s an integrity issue for the trust as a whole.

Jurisdictional Considerations

Location is everything here. The states where trusts are preferred are Delaware, Nevada, and South Dakota because of their asset protection statutes. There is a price tag associated with offshore jurisdictions with similar or greater protections, and that price includes the costs of ongoing compliance and regulatory expenditures throughout the lifetime of that structure.

If you choose the wrong jurisdiction for a trust, then the trust will not work; the right one will. The other side of that is cost versus control with trusts. It’s insurance against the uncertainty of claims, taxes, and change.

But for HNWIs and UHNWIs, choosing competent trustees and solid jurisdictions should be a given. We structure trusts at Dominion that will not buckle under pressure, regardless of the source of the pressure.

Should You Go with an Individual or a Professional Trustee?

Your trust won’t manage itself. So to keep it working and safe, you’ll need a trained manager, or trustee. You should be very careful about who you choose if you want to protect your assets.

Individual Trustees

Here, you could choose a friend or family member. It may sound quick and easy, but will they be able to keep your trust when it comes time for professional help? They might not charge as much as a professional, but you’ll lose valuable experience and expert knowledge—you know, the things you need to deal with difficult wealth structures? Something to think about.

Professional Trustees

A professional guardian is a must if you want real safety. Even though they shouldn’t be, they’re not cheap. Trustee professionals get paid around $1,000 to $5,000 a year, which is around 0.5 percent to 2 percent of the trust’s assets, to make sure the trust is safe and doesn’t cause too much trouble. This is a lot like what corporate trustees charge.

True, professional trustees know exactly what that means, legally and morally, being responsible for several high value trusts, in multiple countries. This can mean that there are some managers who don’t even know the difference between a trust and a will.

This way they know what to do in case of problem and saving client money and risk of making mistakes if they do it themselves. In short, those who know how money is made with their heads are called upon to keep others’ money safe.

The Price of Peace of Mind

Just like you, we have an ongoing commitment to protecting your wealth. Let’s discuss your vision of protecting your assets, and we will provide you with solutions tailored according to that vision.


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